PicsearchPicsearch announced collaboration with MSN: Picsearch announced that it has entered into an agreement to supply the new MSN Search service with image search services. This means that MSN consumers may search for electronic images on the Internet using technology made available by Picsearch.

Nils Andersson, CEO of Picsearch, said:

I am very excited that Picsearch's technology will be used to find images on the Web for this worldwide service. MSN shares our desire to be at the forefront of the net search market. Picsearch will continue providing the highest quality image search service in the world. New features are always being developed.

Justin Osmer, product manager at MSN, said:

The new MSN Search service offers a large index to help consumers quickly and easily find the information that is of interest to them. MSN is proud to team up with Picsearch to offer a vast index of high-quality images that are relevant to our consumers' queries.

About Picsearch Picsearch creates leading image search solutions that power visual search for many of the Web's leading properties. The company syndicates its technology to search engines and portals to enable them to complete their own search package by acquiring powerful image search capabilities. By enhancing the service that they can offer to their users, Picsearch's syndication partners benefit from increased user-traffic and higher revenue. Since Picsearch's inception in 2000, its syndication partners have come to include top Internet properties MSN, Ask Jeeves Inc and Lycos Europe GmbH.

Via SE Roundtable