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February 5, 2005

Russell Beattie Joins Yahoo!

Jeremy Zawodny writes about Russell Beattie who's going to become a full-time Yahoo soon.

Russel says his blog will remain, "as much as he can make it, an independent entity, but he'll obviously have to post more disclaimers from now on".

I noticed 2 things on Russel's blog:

  • he has included Google AdSense ads...
  • on the bottom of each post, this image gives access to the new Yahoo contextual search tool integrated in the web page

I already added its blog to the list of Yahoo! Employee Blogs ;-)

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Ask Jeeves Buys Bloglines

Ask JeevesMary Hodder has the scoop: Ask Jeeves Buys Bloglines, integrating Bloglines into their search system.

Their blog already includes links to Top Blogs and Most Popular Blog Links pointing to Bloglines.

Mark Fletcher, the CEO of Bloglines, will thus be employed by Ask Jeeves.


Via Steve Rubel (Micro Persuasion)

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