Google Desktop Search

Google Launches Enterprise version of Google Desktop Search

IT professionals can use Google Desktop Search for Enterprise to extend the power of Google Desktop Search across an entire organization. You can provide desktop search to as many employees as you'd like — while strictly enforcing your security policies.

Google Desktop Search for Enterprise integrates with the Google Search Appliance and Google Mini for unified search across your PC, intranet and the Internet itself.

Attend a free webinar to learn how you can deploy Google Desktop Search for Enterprise in your organization.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt Delivers Keynote at Gartner ITXPO

Google's CEO Eric Schmidt delivered a keynote address on the company's future and the evolution of IT at Gartner ITXPO. Among the highlights: the launch of Google Desktop Search for the Enterprise and integration of search across the desktop with the Google Search Appliance and Google Mini.

Google Mini Arrives in Europe

The Google Mini made its debut in Europe to stellar reviews. Among many new customers, Warwick Business School is using the Google Mini on its public website, and Orthoview has deployed it behind the corporate firewall.

Google Search Appliance Connects to Databases and Content Management Systems

The Google Search Appliance now connects to relational databases, as well as content management and CRM systems, portals and legacy applications. These enhancements enable customers to provide search across both structured and unstructured data.

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