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November 25, 2004

Backlinks updateA Google backlinks update is on its way! You can see some changes with the link: command in Google.

The PageRank has also been updated in the Google Directory BUT not in the Google Toolbar.

Try these related SEO tools:

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Chris Richardson (WebProNews) discusses about a Google Instant Messenger rumor...

Even though Google has been busy with its various programs, there have been rumors of two major items that may be forthcoming from the company. The first being the Google web browser and the second is an instant messaging service. While speculation concerning the Google browser remains just that, (in fact, the development of the G-browser has been practically denied), an entry into the instant messaging universe appears to be something of a reality.

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Jer Strausser, the owner of the highly popular work at home community at, has written an interesting article Google and the History of Link Building in Search Engine Journal.

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November 23, 2004

A conversation with Georges Harik, Director of Googlettes

GmailGeorges Harik, Director of (new products) at Google, chats with the Web Talk Radio Guys about Gmail. You can read an edited transcript online or listen to the complete interview with Microsoft Media Player. You can also download and listen the program as an MP3 file.

Via SEW.

More on :

  • An interesting article about Google Scholar by Shirl Kennedy and Gary Price on (via )

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November 22, 2004

Nikesh Arora Vice President of European Operations

(Press Release)

Company Strengthens Focus on Europe, Hires Arora To Lead Growing European Business

LONDON - November 22, 2004 - Google Inc., developer of the award-winning Google search engine, today announced that the company named Nikesh Arora as its new vice president of European Operations. Arora brings 16 years of diverse management experience to Google's expanding European operations and his appointment represents Google's continued commitment to growth in Europe. Arora will join Google in December, 2004, based in London.

In this newly created role, Arora will manage and develop Google's operations in the European market. Arora will also be responsible for continuing to create and expand strategic partnerships in Europe for the benefit of Google's growing number of users and advertisers.

"The leadership and experience that Nikesh Arora brings to Google will be an invaluable asset to Google's growing European business", said Omid Kordestani, senior vice president of Google's Worldwide Sales and Field Operations. "Nikesh's proven track record of leading high performance teams and driving businesses make him the ideal candidate to take Google's European operations to the next phase of growth."

Arora joins Google from T-Mobile, where he was Chief Marketing Officer and a Member of the Management Board. At T-Mobile, Arora was responsible for all product development, terminals, brand and marketing activities of T-Mobile Europe. Arora started working with Deutsche Telekom in 1999, during which time he founded T-Motion PLC, a mobile multimedia subsidiary of T-Mobile International.

Prior to his career at Deutsche Telecom, Arora held management positions at Putnam Investments and Fidelity Investments in Boston.

According to RankPulse Index (RPI), Google has made a major change on its SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages)


22 Nov 2004: wow, this is one of the biggest spikes we have seen in google rank activity since the beginning of the year! will it continue?

These changes were confirmed by SEOchat members

  • Did you also noticed this major changes for your sites?
  • To verify if your search rankings have changed you can use a software like Agent Web Ranking

Software to verify if your site rankings (or competitors) have changed

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gdSuite is a Desktop Search client. This means that you can use gdSuite to search for files, e-mails, web pages you've viewed, AIM conversations you've had, and, in the near future, Trillian chats and Gmail. gdSuite is a Client because it does not actually conduct the searches. It uses to find the files, and then displays the results for you in an easy to read fashion. Plus, gdSuite displays search results virtually instantly* and has a user interface that is easy to use and, on Windows XP especially, very pretty. To use gdSuite, you must have Google Desktop installed on your computer.

Google Desktop is a new tool from Google that lets you search your own computer. It can find emails (from Outlook and Outlook Express), chats (in AOL and AOL Instant Message), and web pages you've viewed in Internet Explorer. Plus, it can find any file by filename and can search inside Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files. Sounds great, huh? It is... with two exceptions. For one, Google "forgot" to include a program that lets you use its powerful search tool. The only way to search is to fire up your web browser and go to some hard to remember URL and search from there. Also, Google Desktop is conspicuously missing advanced filters. Sure, you can limit your search to only, say, chats or only files. But what if, for example, you want to find only a Microsoft Excel file named "finances" that was opened within the past month and is located somewhere in the in folder "My Documents," or you want to find only e-mails from a client with "web" in the subject line that were received in August 2004? With regular Google Desktop, you are out of luck. This is where gdSuite comes in.

gdSuite takes searching your own computer to a whole new level. You can engage advanced filters based on the following:

  • date (within the last year, month, or week; or between two specific dates)
  • medium/item type (file, AIM, e-mail, or web page)
  • file extension
  • file name
  • folder name (with subfolders on/off)
  • what the web site address contains
  • what a web site is titled
  • who an e-mail is from
  • the subject of an e-mail
  • who an AIM conversation was with
  • text in an item

gdSuite also integrates into Windows Explorer to make searching as fast and easy as possible. Just right click any folder or drive and click Search with gdSuite... to start a new gdSuite search of that folder.

Via ResearchBuzz

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November 21, 2004

You can find more photos of the in the seattlepi blog:

Google Kirkland Office entrance

Google Kirkland Office main lobby and reception desk


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November 20, 2004

Froogle Wish List

Froogle has released Wish Lists! So you can create a wish list of products from any arbitrary website (that you can find in Froogle, which is pretty much any website).

Here are the explanations given by Google on Froogle FAQ:

What is this Wish List thing?

Your Wish List is the public part of your Shopping List. If there's an item on your Shopping List that you'd like to share with friends or family, just add it to your Wish List by checking the "In Wish List" checkbox next to the item. It will instantly be added to your Wish List, which will be accessible to anyone who searches for your e-mail address on the Froogle Shopping List homepage. You can also e-mail the URL,, to others. (If you send out your Wish List a few weeks before Christmas or your holiday, you may never again receive an orange and green plaid sweater for a present.)

Related article

Google machines Douwe Osinga is working for Google on the Google File System architecture. If you don't know what is the Google File System (GFS) you should read this paper called The Google File System (PDF 269 KB), by Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung.

The paper describes how Google stores data and goes into some detail here. Basically Google runs one distributed filesystem over more than a thousand machines using thousands of disks in order to manipulate hundreds of terrabytes at a go. Data is safely duplicated and can be checkpointed. "It is really quite astonishing to work on stuff like that from the inside and you'd think that if you're going to keep stuff secret, this would be one thing. But it is not, it is a public paper.", Douwe Osinga says.

The Google File System Architecture

Douwe Osinga announces that "There's another paper out there about some of the stuff we're doing here that will really blow your mind"...

Google has released a Google Deskbar API, allowing programmers to write plug-ins to add their own features to the Google Deskbar. Plug-ins can be written in any .NET language, such as C# or Visual Basic.NET.

What's a Deskbar plug-in? The Google Deskbar plug-in is a simple extension mechanism for customizing the . When you enter a search term and choose your plug-in from the menu, Deskbar passes your search term to your plug-in code, which can then return a specific URL to be displayed in a browser or mini-viewer window, or return text to be displayed directly in the Deskbar's text box.

Users need to install the latest version of the Google Deskbar and version 1.0 or higher of the Microsoft® .NET Framework to use plug-ins. The easiest way for users to get the .NET Framework is to visit the Windows Update website. It's a good idea to remind your users to install the latest versions of the Deskbar and the .NET Framework before they install your plug-in.

What kind of plug-in can be written? The Google Deskbar API development kit includes sample plug-ins that allow you to search your Outlook address book and generate a random password. Here are some other ideas you might want to pursue:

  • Locate and play a music play list on your hard drive
  • Solve algebraic equations
  • Send instant messages from the Deskbar

John Battelle gives details from Google PR:

The Google Deskbar API is in the experimental, beta phase. We invite developers to use the service and encourage them to send us their input and feedback. Plug-ins can be written in any .NET language, such as C# or Visual Basic.NET. More information about the Google Deskbar API can be found here:


November 19, 2004

According to Robert Scoble (Microsoft employee), Microsoft and Amazon threw a party at Google's new Kirkland offices tonight.

The Google staffers were vastly outnumbered (there were about 20 of them hosting a party of hundreds). Robert Scoble "spied tons of Microsoft employees checking out the Google offices and eating the food." :-)

Google Kirkland Party

Via SEW blog

Related articles

November 18, 2004

Google has launched a new version of its search engine dedicated to scholarly literature.

Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Google Scholar may be used to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web.

Just as with Google Web Search, Google Scholar orders your search results by how relevant they are to your query, so the most useful references should appear at the top of the page. This relevance ranking takes into account the full text of each article as well as the article's author, the publication in which the article appeared and how often it has been cited in scholarly literature.

Here is the first result given by Google Scholar for the query 'The best search engine':

Google Scholar results for the query 'The best search engine'

Google Scholar also automatically analyzes and extracts citations and presents them as separate results, even if the documents they refer to are not online. This means your search results may include citations of older works and seminal articles that appear only in books or other offline publications.

You can also search by author's name by typing author: and the author name. Check out .

Google welcomes questions or comments about Google Scholar:

We recognize the debt we owe to all those in academia whose work has made Google itself a reality and we hope to make Google Scholar as useful to this community as possible. We believe everyone should have a chance to stand on the shoulders of giants.

Via .

Related article

Orkut Media

Orkut Media Google launched Orkut Media, "a brand new feature that will present a fresh set of columns and photographs every week. They will cover the topics that rule our daily thoughts – sex, food, politics, art, race, you name it. What you see in orkut media can make you laugh or think. In the end, we hope it's something real to connect with in this virtual world."

Check out the FAQ for more details about Orkut Media.

via Google Blogoscoped

CSV AdStats: Advanced AdSense Statistics Analyzer

CSV AdStatsIf you use GoogleTM Adsense this is the tool for you!

CSV AdStats offers you quick and indepth analysis of the performance of the targeted advertising for your content pages.

CSV AdStats, what's that?

CSV AdStats is an application that allows you to analyze the CSV formatted logfiles that are made available for Google AdSense. The tool calculates valuable statistical information like CPM, number of clicks, moving averages, accumulated by period and much more. The extensive charting options will give you a fast and easy to understand view of daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly trends, thereby helping you maximize your AdSense earnings potential.

  • Features Automatic download of the csv-file from the Google AdSense site
  • Import of an already downloaded csv-file
  • Statistics like 7-day, weekly, monthly and yearly trends, 7 and 30 day averages and 7 and 30 day moving averages
  • Management of different criteria by means of which you can view specific statistical information
  • Management of AdSense information comparable to the features provided by Google
  • Interactive creation of charts based on imported and calculated data
  • Export the data to CSV or HTML files
  • Saving charts in BMP, JPG or PNG format
  • A timer allowing you to automatically download and import the csv-file at a regular interval, which also displays a message as soon as you earnings have gone up
  • Creation of a comprehensive printable report with your data (best day, week, month, year, number of views, clicks, your earnings)
  • An interactive chart editor allowing you to create and compare trends

Screenshots Click here to view more screenshots.

Download To download Beta 2.4 go to

Click here to see larger image

Click here to see larger image

Related articles

November 15, 2004

Relationship Between the PageRank and the Number of Backlinks

On the forums or by email I am often asked the following sort of question: "How many Backlinks do I need to get in order to have PR5?". The answer is simple and always the same one: "This question cannot be answered because the PR doesn't only depend on the number of backlinks, it also and above all depends on the PR of each of those links...". Or to put it differently, a page can have PR5 with a single backlink whereas another one can have 3,000 backlinks and PR5 too.

As a result it seems useless to carry out this type of analysis... Except if one is to compare the results in the long term. That's what I have been doing over the past eight months by analysing tens of thousands of pages. For each data I get the number of backlinks and the PR of the page with those links. The data do not come from a tool using a Google Toolbar crack but from the "MyWri" tools on WebRankInfo which enables each WebRrankInfo member to instantly get the PR and the number of backlinks of 10 chosen sites (many other free SEO tools are also freely provided).


The results are presented in the following table. For example the cell corresponding to column 5/2004 and row PR5 shows that in May 2004, an average of 104 backlinks was required to get a PR5. The number of sites analysed to get this figure appears on hovering over with the mouse (1044 measures in the given example).

PR 3/04 4/04 5/04 6/04 7/04 8/04 9/04 10/04
0 2 1 2 9 31 73 83 80
1 0 2 1 1 3 6 11 11
2 4 2 1 2 24 25 24 24
3 3 3 3 4 8 11 12 17
4 15 17 17 19 32 51 60 75
5 117 105 104 103 134 185 220 288
6 318 400 434 407 623 1,067 1,307 1,508
7 988 8,455 10,932 10,006 10,594 14,097 16,545 20,954
8 22,300 12,151 22,642 31,668 32,357 32,357 32,357 30,658
9 6,290 91,168 91,168 91,168 91,168 76,906 75,305 73,693
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,334,000 1,334,000

As a conclusion

Some conclusions to be drawn:

  • With a few exceptions, whatever the PR is, more backlinks than the month before are required every month to get a given PR.
  • As expected, one needs far more backlinks in order to get a high PR than a low one. Even if there may be exceptions, because the study deals with a good number of data, it gives experimental support to the theoretical hypotheses or ideas never proved before but only discussed in forums.
  • During this summer (2004), Google changed the behaviour of the link: command which now includes low PR pages. Only PR4 or higher PR pages used to be listed by this command. Conversely since this summer you can also list the low PR pages backlinks, which you can see in the table.
  • More and more sites are being analysed in MyWri :-) If you haven't tried it yet, go to (these tools are only available in french)

I am busy preparing further studies on the subject and I hope to be able to share the results with you pretty soon. Please do get in touch if you wish to make suggestions.

Other studies

Another study that may be of some interest for you: Google test : hyphen and underscore.

More studies to come!

Make studies like this one with these 2 SEO softwares

If you wish to carry out this kind of analyses, you just have to use PR Weaver software whose development I took part in. It enables you for example to list the pages of a site and to retrieve the PageRank of each page. It can also give you the list of the pages making a link to the page being analysed, with the PR of each backlink.

Download it here.


You can also use Agent Web Ranking software to analyse the ranking of your sites and of your competitors' sites on the main search engines, for all your strategic keywords.

Download it here


Our Data can be interpreted in many ways. If you decide to publish an analyze based on our data please let us know as we may publish it on our blog. Any analysis based on our data must give credit to as the source and provide a link back to our site:

PageRank and backlinks study


Feel free to comment this study!

French version / version française : Etude de la relation entre le PageRank et le nombre de backlinks

Related articles

November 12, 2004

According to the King County Journal, as , the new software development office will employ up to 200 workers.

The Silicon Valley company recently signed a multiyear lease to initially occupy the entire fourth floor of the Central Way Plaza building at 720 Fourth Ave. in downtown Kirkland.

Google also agreed to take an option to occupy the third floor of the building as well by the end of November 2006, which would give the company a total of 46,000 square feet of office space.

The company has only about a dozen workers in the Puget Sound region at a couple of small sales offices -- one at Kirkland's Carillon Point and one in Seattle's South Lake Union area.

Eileen Rodriguez, a spokeswoman for Google at the company's headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., confirmed in an e-mail the company's plans to open a software development office in Kirkland, but was unable to provide details regarding hiring plans here.

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MSN Search Launches a Blog - Like Yahoo! did after Google

What's going to make the difference between the 3 Search giants Google, Yahoo! and MSN?

  • All of them have a search engine with a design more and more similar...
  • All of them have a blog (MSN just opened its blog)
  • All of them have a toolbar
  • All of them try to have the bigger index
  • and so on...

Maybe the users will make their choice, mainly based on relevance.

November 11, 2004

Google has just updated the number of pages officially indexed, displayed on its homepage, from 4,285,199,774 to 8,058,044,651 pages. Since a long time many queries lead to more than 4 billions results (this is only an approximation). As Andy Beal , "The update obviously helps explain all of the recent activity by Googlebot and ensures that Google retains the title of the largest index".

As usual, the date of this announcement is chosen precisely by Google. Today is also the launch of MSN Search Beta, one of Google's competitors. Coincidence?

Google's index up to 8 billions pages

On homepage you can read "Google's index nearly doubles to more than 8 billion pages" with a link to Bill Coughran's on the official Google blog.

Google's index nearly doubles.

You probably never notice the large number that appears in tiny type at the bottom of the Google home page, but I do. It's a measure of how many pages we have in our index and gives an indication of how broadly we search to find the information you're looking for. Today that number nearly doubled to more than 8 billion pages. That made me smile.

Comprehensiveness is not the only important factor in evaluating a search engine, but it's invaluable for queries that only return a few results. For example, now when I search for friends who previously generated only a handful of results, I see double that number. These are not just copies of the same pages, but truly diverse results that give more information. The same is true for obscure topics, where you're now significantly more likely to find relevant and diverse information about the subjects. You may also notice that the result counts for broader queries (with thousands or millions of results) have gone up substantially. However, as with any search engine, these are estimates, and the real benefit lies with the queries that generate fewer results.

The documents in Google's index are in dozens of file types from HTML to PDF, including PowerPoint, Flash, PostScript and JavaScript. Together these pages represent a good chunk of the world's information, but hardly all of it. That's why we keep building more advanced systems for crawling the web and creating more sophisticated indices to sort what we find. So 8 billion pages is a milestone worth noting, but it's not the end of the road. The real test is how well we do in finding what you want from within those pages. We'll keep improving that too.

Bill Coughran V.P., Engineering

Other blog coverage:

November 9, 2004

Search Keys

Search Keys is a great Firefox extension that lets you go to search results by pressing the number of the search result instead of clicking. For example, pressing 1 takes you to the first result. Hold Alt (Windows/Mac) or Ctrl (Linux) to open results in new tabs, or Shift to open results in new windows. More information here.

Search Keys supports Google, Google News, Google Groups, Google Desktop Search, and Marc Abramowitz (Technical at Yahoo) provided a Friday Hack: Search Keys extension for Firefox and Yahoo! Search

Link Development: The Key to Successful SEO

Interesting article by Shari Thurow in called "Link Development: The Key to Successful SEO".

Link development is one of the most overlooked components of a successful SEO (define) campaign. Web site owners can put all the keywords they wish on a page and develop a search-engine friendly navigation scheme. But without a well-planned link-development campaign, search engine visibility is short term.

Today, some tips and guidelines on creating and maintaining a successful link-development campaign.

Shari these points:

  • What's Link Popularity?
  • Why Link Development Is Important
  • Rise of Free-for-All Link Farms
  • Link Development Tips

Via SEW blog

Linking Together Your Search Engine Marketing Efforts

Read this article written by Peter Larmey, posted in Andy Beal's great blog (Search Engine Lowdown)

November 8, 2004

Link Building 101

A very interesting thread about everything you need to know about link building currently at SearchEngineWatch forums.

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New Article on Web Links

Rustybrick posted a new article on web links called "Web Links from the Search Engine's Perspective" that you can read here (free).

According to its author, "By the end of this short article you should be able to understand:"

  • What Web links are
  • The difference between incoming links and outgoing links
  • The different terminology used in the SEO community to describe some links
  • How search engines view links
  • and what links represent to the search engines (natural vs. unnatural linking).

November 3, 2004

Google has a Zeitgeist just for todays elections.

As the last week before the election winds down, the search results for Google News offer a bit of insight into people's campaign interests.

The term "zeitgeist" comes from the German "Zeit" meaning "time" and "Geist" meaning "spirit". The term is defined in English by Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary as "the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era."

Google Election 2004

Yahoo Working on Desktop Search

According to Reuters, Yahoo is working on its own desktop search tool.

"Yahoo is working on it. In short course, we'll have a desktop solution as well," Semel said at an investment conference in Scottsdale, Arizona which was broadcast over the Internet. He did not say specifically when Yahoo's desktop search program would be released.

Semel also said he plans to stay put at Yahoo. Semel, a former Hollywood studio executive, is seen by some as a strong potential successor to retiring Disney Chief Executive Michael Eisner.

"I enjoy being a builder. I love what I do at Yahoo. I'm looking forward to at least the next bunch of years, I hope many, of doing what I'm doing," Semel said.

In mid-October, Google released a test of its .

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November 1, 2004

Google tells on the homepage that it is currently searching 4,285,199,774 web pages. and you'll find about 6,050,000,000 results!


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