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April 6, 2005

New Yahoo! Toolbar (including a Mac Version)

Yahoo! has updated its toolbar with new anti spyware features, but forget that, they now support Mac via Firefox.

Source: John Battelle

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March 1, 2005

Yahoo! Testing Out its Own Contextual Ads Program?

According to Andy Baio, Yahoo appears to be testing out a contextual ad program for small websites, like Google's AdSense:

Ken Rudman is a product manager at Yahoo-owned Overture, and his blog features contextual Overture ads throughout. His homepage shows the vertical two-ad format, monthly archives show a three-ad horizontal format, and individual entries show another variation of the horizontal format. The ads have decent relevancy, especially considering its early state.

The Javascript that generates the ad IFrame is hosted on Overture's server: The domain name refers to "ypn," which might be an acronym for the ad program... Yahoo Publishing Network, maybe?

What do you think of that? Phil Ringnalda found them awful. blog points out that these ads look like Content Match. But Content Match is served from, whereas these new ads are served from

Via and John Batelle

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February 23, 2005

Yahoo! Image Database Increases to 1.5 Billion Images

that they now index more than 1.5 billion images in their Images Search Engine.

Yahoo! Images Search

Yahoo! claims: No other search engine gives you a more complete picture.

Now over 1.5 billion images

Whatever you're looking for, odds are you'll find more of it with Yahoo! Image Search.

Photos of your favorite newsmakers

See the latest pictures hot off the presses from Yahoo! News and Yahoo! Movies.

Pictures, illustrations, and more

Clip art for a presentation, or pics of your next vacation destination... all just a search away.

Truly advanced search options

Search by coloration and size. Or search specific types of sites (.com, .gov, etc.).

Earlier this month, Google announced that .

Via Gary Price


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February 13, 2005

Is Yahoo! Building a Weblog Search?

Greg Linden reports that Steve Rubel and speculate that Yahoo is building a weblog search similar to Technorati and Feedster after seeing evidence of a new Yahoo RSS crawler.

This new crawler is called Yahoo-NewsCrawler Test.

In my opinion, Yahoo! is the search engine which is the most interested by RSS technologies, followed by MSN and Google. Google seems to be late on this point - unless it is also building its own blog search engine or preparing to buy a leading blog-related company?

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February 11, 2005

Major Yahoo Update Reported

The folks over at WebmasterWorld are reporting major Yahoo! changes over the past few days. I have seen some major changes with some keywords but not many.

Source: Search Engine Roundtable.

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February 10, 2005

Yahoo Releases Firefox Toolbar

Yahoo! has added a Firefox version of its toolbar:

  • Search the Web from anywhere online
  • Easily discover and add RSS feeds to My Yahoo!
  • Customize and access your Toolbar from any PC
  • Anti-Spy for Firefox coming soon

Yahoo! Firefox Toolbar

They welcome feedback on their .

Duke Fan (Yahoo! Toolbar Product Manager) writes in Yahoo! Search Blog:

If you've been following Asa's blog, you probably already know that Firefox is well on its way to 25 million downloads worldwide. Well Yahoo! has certainly noticed and believe me, Firefox is very popular here at Yahoo! too.

However, a lot of us also rely on the convenience of Yahoo! Toolbar, and now we can make the switch to Firefox too. For the last month, we've been working with a team of Yahoos from around the company who have provided some Mozilla expertise to build the beta version of the Yahoo! Toolbar for Mozilla Firefox.

Gary Price has a short post on SEW blog.

Rich Ord posted a short review of this new Yahoo! Firefox toolbar.

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The end of Yahoo Directory?

Yahoo directoryFew hours ago, Agent Web Ranking Search Engine Research Center received an alert about Yahoo IT. Yahoo IT has removed from its results the Directory search option.

As you can see, this option is still available on:

  • (Guide)
  • (Verzeichnis)
  • (Directory)

But not anymore on

At this stage we do not know if it is a bug or a test from Yahoo IT or even if this search option will also be removed from the other Yahoo. If you do have any informations on this, do not hesitate to post here.

  • Few hours after we published this article, our Search Engine Research Center noticed that Yahoo IT is back to normal. Jeremy Zawodny or another YahooGuy may have read this article ;=)
  • Sébastien Billard will not be surprized if Yahoo removes the directory search for Yahoo FR as Yahoo stopped, few weeks ago, the Yahoo Express submission fee and as Yahoo has nearly stopped to update Yahoo directory for France since.

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February 5, 2005

Russell Beattie Joins Yahoo!

Jeremy Zawodny writes about Russell Beattie who's going to become a full-time Yahoo soon.

Russel says his blog will remain, "as much as he can make it, an independent entity, but he'll obviously have to post more disclaimers from now on".

I noticed 2 things on Russel's blog:

  • he has included Google AdSense ads...
  • on the bottom of each post, this image gives access to the new Yahoo contextual search tool integrated in the web page

I already added its blog to the list of Yahoo! Employee Blogs ;-)

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