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This blog contains SEO articles about link building strategies, PageRank, Google, Yahoo, MSN...

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February 25, 2005

Corp.GoogleI have just noticed a few referrers from and to our seo blog

Do you have any "inside information" about these? Any suggestions? Are they related to Google News (our blog is indexed in Google News)?

January 16, 2005

Reference Tracking with Technorati, Feedster and Bloglines

Jeremy Zawodny discusses about Reference Tracking and the Performance of Technorati, Feedster, and Bloglines. He has added next to each post 3 links to find related posts by searching with Technorati, Feedster, and Bloglines.

This is a good idea! We've just added this functionnality on this blog. For example you can find related posts about our post "Relationship Between the PageRank and the Number of Backlinks" with Bloglines, Feedster or Technorati.

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