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This blog contains SEO articles about link building strategies, PageRank, Google, Yahoo, MSN...

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February 11, 2005

Improving PageRank: The Papers

Since its inception PageRank has suffered from many theoretical fallacies and problems.

Rather than beating a dead horse, Orion enumerates some of these, followed by research papers that attempt to fix these. This approach may benefit those interested in researching the corresponding subjects.

in SEW forums

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February 4, 2005

Google Backlinks UpdateGoogle is updating the backlinks reported by the link:URL command. This is not really a Google Dance because the PageRank is not changing (the last PageRank update was on January 1st, check out the ).

If you want to analyze your backlinks right now, try our backlinks checker on all data centers tool.

This kind of update has no effect on rankings.

Related articles

January 25, 2005

No-NoFollow Images

Are you against the rel="nofollow" attribute? Join the NoNoFollow group and add one of these images to your blog:

no nofollow
no nofollow
no nofollow
no nofollow
no nofollow
no nofollow
no nofollow
no nofollow
no nofollow
no nofollow
no nofollow

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The NONOFOLLOW Group: a Wiki Against the rel="nofollow" Attribute

Did you know that Wikipedia already implemented the rel="nofollow" attribute on all their external links? What do you think about it? Maybe spammers will stop inserting spam links on Wikipedia pages... has some good thoughts about this initiative, defined by the NONOFOLLOW-group:

12 Reasons against nofollow:

  1. nofollow does not prevent comment spam
  2. nofollow is semantically incorrect
  3. nofollow harms the connections between web sites
  4. nofollow is not useful for humans, just for search engines using PageRank or similar a technique
  5. nofollow could be used to shut web sites out
  6. nofollow discriminates legitimate users as spammers
  7. nofollow heists commentators' earned attention
  8. nofollow will not stop comment spam
  9. nofollow could be used to further discriminate weblogs
  10. nofollow prevents the Web from being a web
  11. nofollow eliminates the dissemination of free speech
  12. nofollow was developed in privacy with only search engines companies taking part in the discussion

PR Weaver supports the No-NoFollow group :-)

Related articles

January 18, 2005

rel="nofollow" attribute to fight spam in comments?

There's a new rumor about Google... another one! Google might be testing a new mechanism allowing to fight comment spam, by ignoring links that contain a rel="nofollow" attribute.

Here is a standard link:


Here is a link that may be ignored by Google's algorithm:


What do you think about it? Is this a good solution? Do you think bloggers should help Google to fight spam or should Google fight spam by itself?

Read more:

Related articles

January 2, 2005

Google Dance Alert!

A new Google Dance started on the 1st of January 2005. First modifications had occured on Google Data center

It seems that PageRank in the Google toolbar is now updating every 3 month. Last 2 Google update were made in September and June 2004.

Try these related Google Dance tools:

Related PR Weaver articles:

Related articles

December 8, 2004

Multiple Domains And 301 Redirects

Image Copyright WebProNewsRead Chris Richardson's article in WebProNews, called "Multiple Domains And 301 Redirects".

This article deals with sites having multiple domain names and problems with redirections. What you must do is choosing one main domain name as the official site and redirecting all the others to this one with 301 redirects. If you want know what kind of redirect you're using, copy and paste the URL in this Server Header Checker tool.

A common area of misunderstanding and confusion within search optimization has to do with how and when one should use a redirection document. If you've moved a site to a new domain and you want your normal traffic to follow, a 301 permanent redirect needs to be employed. However, there are other occasions, also involving domain-based issues, when 301's should be utilized.

Read more.

December 2, 2004

1) Syntax: or link:
DO NOT use space after link:
will show the backlinks of that page which Google knows and decides to show with that command
will show results that contain the text "link" and the text ""

2) Google doesn't return all backlinks in response to link: command.

3) Google link: command is not updated in "real time" but it is updated approximately once per month

4) Since June 2004 Google returns backlinks which have any PageRank value (and not only backlinks which have a pagerank of 3 or 4 or more as Google used to do)

5) To get more accurate and up-to-date Google backlinks you may use the following command Remark: not all results return by this command are links to page, it can be just a plain text URL ( without links mentioned on the page somewhere This command will show you all the pages linking to, minus the pages from site.

6) Related Google links tools
Google backlinks and anchor text analyzer
Google ranking software (based on Google API)

7) Articles related to Google link: command

Google backlink strategies

Hope this may help you!

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