About is for saleAccording the New York times, About.com is for sale. 5 players are among the buyers: Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, AOl and The New York times.

About About.com:

  • 1 790 000 pages of about.com are by Google and 1 100 000 pages by

According to Nielsen NetRatings, About.com is a top 15 Web property used by one out of every five people on the Internet. It holds a valued role in the lives of more than 20 million opinion leaders as a preferred source of original consumer information and advice. The success of About.com centers around our unique Guide System that features 23 content channels and promotes original content from more than 475 topical advisors or "Guides." The Guides are the heart and soul of the About.com experience, sharing their passions across 50,000+ topics and offering actionable information and advice that is always useful, practical and personally relevant. Our robust library almost one million pieces of original content represents one of the largest of its kind on the Web today.

As Philipp Lenssen from Google Blogoscoped said

I wonder what Google could do with About.com if they acquire it. With some noteworthy exceptions (the Deja News Usenet archive, or the social software Orkut) Google has been focussing on being responsible for tools, not content.

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