Yahoo! has added a Firefox version of its toolbar:

  • Search the Web from anywhere online
  • Easily discover and add RSS feeds to My Yahoo!
  • Customize and access your Toolbar from any PC
  • Anti-Spy for Firefox coming soon

Yahoo! Firefox Toolbar

They welcome feedback on their .

Duke Fan (Yahoo! Toolbar Product Manager) writes in Yahoo! Search Blog:

If you've been following Asa's blog, you probably already know that Firefox is well on its way to 25 million downloads worldwide. Well Yahoo! has certainly noticed and believe me, Firefox is very popular here at Yahoo! too.

However, a lot of us also rely on the convenience of Yahoo! Toolbar, and now we can make the switch to Firefox too. For the last month, we've been working with a team of Yahoos from around the company who have provided some Mozilla expertise to build the beta version of the Yahoo! Toolbar for Mozilla Firefox.

Gary Price has a short post on SEW blog.

Rich Ord posted a short review of this new Yahoo! Firefox toolbar.