Yahoo directoryFew hours ago, Agent Web Ranking Search Engine Research Center received an alert about Yahoo IT. Yahoo IT has removed from its results the Directory search option.

As you can see, this option is still available on:

  • (Guide)
  • (Verzeichnis)
  • (Directory)

But not anymore on

At this stage we do not know if it is a bug or a test from Yahoo IT or even if this search option will also be removed from the other Yahoo. If you do have any informations on this, do not hesitate to post here.

  • Few hours after we published this article, our Search Engine Research Center noticed that Yahoo IT is back to normal. Jeremy Zawodny or another YahooGuy may have read this article ;=)
  • Sébastien Billard will not be surprized if Yahoo removes the directory search for Yahoo FR as Yahoo stopped, few weeks ago, the Yahoo Express submission fee and as Yahoo has nearly stopped to update Yahoo directory for France since.