Yahoo!Yahoo is launching , a new tool that lets you submit all or part of a web page that you're viewing as a search query, rather than the traditional method of typing words into a search box. The tool, called Y!Q, analyzes the content you've submitted and extracts the most relevant terms from the page, and presents results accordingly.

Source: SEW Blog

More info :

Y!Q is an entirely new way to search. Unlike traditional searches where you begin a search from an empty search box and then shift through information that may or may not relate to what you need, Y!Q lets you search from any web page you're reading and offers a unique way to tell the search engine what kind of information you're interested in.

What's unique about Y!Q is how you tell it what you need. Y!Q lets you specify the type of information you're interested in so the results you get are directly related to the information you select. We call this "context-based" searching and it's how Y!Q "automagically" knows exactly what you're looking for.