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November 9, 2004

Search Keys

Search Keys is a great Firefox extension that lets you go to search results by pressing the number of the search result instead of clicking. For example, pressing 1 takes you to the first result. Hold Alt (Windows/Mac) or Ctrl (Linux) to open results in new tabs, or Shift to open results in new windows. More information here.

Search Keys supports Google, Google News, Google Groups, Google Desktop Search, and Marc Abramowitz (Technical at Yahoo) provided a Friday Hack: Search Keys extension for Firefox and Yahoo! Search

Link Development: The Key to Successful SEO

Interesting article by Shari Thurow in called "Link Development: The Key to Successful SEO".

Link development is one of the most overlooked components of a successful SEO (define) campaign. Web site owners can put all the keywords they wish on a page and develop a search-engine friendly navigation scheme. But without a well-planned link-development campaign, search engine visibility is short term.

Today, some tips and guidelines on creating and maintaining a successful link-development campaign.

Shari these points:

  • What's Link Popularity?
  • Why Link Development Is Important
  • Rise of Free-for-All Link Farms
  • Link Development Tips

Via SEW blog

Linking Together Your Search Engine Marketing Efforts

Read this article written by Peter Larmey, posted in Andy Beal's great blog (Search Engine Lowdown)