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November 25, 2004

Backlinks updateA Google backlinks update is on its way! You can see some changes with the link: command in Google.

The PageRank has also been updated in the Google Directory BUT not in the Google Toolbar.

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Chris Richardson (WebProNews) discusses about a Google Instant Messenger rumor...

Even though Google has been busy with its various programs, there have been rumors of two major items that may be forthcoming from the company. The first being the Google web browser and the second is an instant messaging service. While speculation concerning the Google browser remains just that, (in fact, the development of the G-browser has been practically denied), an entry into the instant messaging universe appears to be something of a reality.

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Jer Strausser, the owner of the highly popular work at home community at, has written an interesting article Google and the History of Link Building in Search Engine Journal.

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