Google has released a Google Deskbar API, allowing programmers to write plug-ins to add their own features to the Google Deskbar. Plug-ins can be written in any .NET language, such as C# or Visual Basic.NET.

What's a Deskbar plug-in? The Google Deskbar plug-in is a simple extension mechanism for customizing the . When you enter a search term and choose your plug-in from the menu, Deskbar passes your search term to your plug-in code, which can then return a specific URL to be displayed in a browser or mini-viewer window, or return text to be displayed directly in the Deskbar's text box.

Users need to install the latest version of the Google Deskbar and version 1.0 or higher of the Microsoft® .NET Framework to use plug-ins. The easiest way for users to get the .NET Framework is to visit the Windows Update website. It's a good idea to remind your users to install the latest versions of the Deskbar and the .NET Framework before they install your plug-in.

What kind of plug-in can be written? The Google Deskbar API development kit includes sample plug-ins that allow you to search your Outlook address book and generate a random password. Here are some other ideas you might want to pursue:

  • Locate and play a music play list on your hard drive
  • Solve algebraic equations
  • Send instant messages from the Deskbar

John Battelle gives details from Google PR:

The Google Deskbar API is in the experimental, beta phase. We invite developers to use the service and encourage them to send us their input and feedback. Plug-ins can be written in any .NET language, such as C# or Visual Basic.NET. More information about the Google Deskbar API can be found here:
