Search engine ranking software
© Agent Web Ranking

AgentWebRanking is pleased to announce the release of Agent Web Ranking 2.6.2.
This new version includes Chinese and Japanese alphabet characters, and Asian search engines (Japan, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong). More than 300 search engines are now included!

You can generate search engine ranking reports with keywords in Chinese and keywords in Japanese.

Find below a list of Asian search engine added :

Japanese Search engine :

Google Japan

MSN Japan

AOL Japan

Yahoo Japan

Goo Japan

Infoseek Japan

Ask Jeeves Japan

Looksmart Japan

Dmoz Japan

SO-Net Japan

Excite Japan

Overture Japan

Fresh Eye Japan

Biglobe Japan

Nifty Japan

Dion Japan

Hi-Ho Japan

OCN Japan

ODN Japan

People's Republic of China (PRC) search engines :

Google CN + adwords

NetEase CN

Tom CN

Zhongsou CN

Sohu CN

Sina CN

Yahoo CN


Baidu CN

YiSou CN

Hong Kong, China search engine :

Google HK + Adwords

Yahoo HK


Y28 HK

Open find

Sina HK

TimWay HK

Taiwan, Republic Of China (ROC) search engine :

Google TW

Yahoo TW


Open find TW

Sina TW

Sina TW

Gais TW

Hinet TW

Taihoo TW

Tisnet TW

Yam TW

Dmoz TW

A search engine ranking software automatically queries a given number of keywords on a selected set of search engines. The software will then locate your URLs in the retrieved search engine answer pages and calculate their respective ranks or positions. This is the "check ranking" process.
Agent web ranking software generates highly customizable search engine ranking reports. This will help you to check ranking for your website position. You can even check ranking of your competitors.

Whether you have just started a small business or you are a webmaster of a Fortune-500 enterprises, Agent Web Ranking helps you checking and tracking your search engine ranking on US, Canadian and European search engines. Agent Web Ranking customers are small businesses, SEO companies and Fortune-500 enterprises. Create advanced web ranking reports!

Download this ranking software: 15 days free trial (full trial version)...