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January 28, 2005

Mark Ayzenshtat (Google Employee) says he's been working on (launched today) for 7 months.

The API lets you interact with Google's advertising system programmatically. It's probably too geeky for, say, your grandmother to appreciate, but if you have an AdWords account and have written a for-loop or two in your day, go check it out.

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AdWords API Blog

Google has opened the AdWords API developer blog to make announcements to the developer community.

Here's the official public launch announcement:

Despite all the development we've done for our AdWords program, much more remains to be built. Fortunately there's no shortage of good ideas outsidethe Googleplex: our community of users is amazingly expert and innovative and knows exactly what features they want. Many successful companies fall prey to the NIH ("Not Invented Here") syndrome, but as hard as we try, not every talented developer is working at Google. Which is why we've just announced the arrival of the AdWords API beta.

The AdWords API beta program is an open invitation to developers to explore new concepts (and then write great software) for managing Google AdWords advertising campaigns. Large advertisers can use it for their complex ad management needs, like tying product margins to optimized keyword bids.Third parties can use the API to build new interfaces to manage their client accounts. Best of all, an API enables the creation of all sorts of unanticipated ideas. In our experience, it's better to wear "Not Invented Here" as a badge of honor than as a chip on your shoulder. Come sign up fora developer token and show us what we've been missing.

(Josh McFarland, Product Manager and Nelson Minar, Software Engineer)

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, Google has released the Google AdWords API:

  • Google AdWords API:
  • Google AdWords API developer doc:
  • Google AdWords API FAQ:
  • Google AdWords API forum:
  • Google AdWords API blog:

Google AdWords API coverage:

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Google Looks for an Open Source Program Manager in CraigList

Chris DiBona (Google's employee) points out that Google is looking for an Open Source Program Manager in CraigList.

More: "Google is looking for a candidate who can manage technical programs in our open source software programs office. The candidate will be responsible for the overall planning, budgeting, execution and success of these projects and will work with google engineering, legal, pr/marketing, finance, recruiting and the executive staff."

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