gBrowserGoogle may be really working on a browser project...

Google said that it was engaged in developing technology that was aimed at bringing about improvements in web browsers.

There has been much speculation. But our work is focussed on improving the browsing experience, Google co-Founder and President (Technology) Sergey Brin told reporters here.

The world's most popular search services outfit touched off a flurry of speculation that it was planning to introduce a web browser after it registered the domain name in April.

Today's browsers are doing a pretty good job, but they can be improved. What we are looking to do is to enhance the quality of the browsing experience, he said.

Mr Brin and company co-founder and President (Products) Larry Page are on a visit to India even as Google looks to expand operations at its R and D facility in Bangalore and the technology centre in Hyderabad.

Even while putting his faith in text continuing its dominance as the dominant mode of communication on the internet, Mr Brin said Google was undertaking research on expanding image searches, speech and multimedia content.
