TiscaliTiscali has reached an agreement with Google, the world’s best known search engine, to offer search and targeted advertising on Tiscali’s European portals.

The agreement will shortly make Google’s award-winning search results available on Tiscali portals in The Netherlands, Denmark and the Czech Republic and will be extended to the other main countries where Tiscali operates by mid-2005. Through the agreement, Google will provide Tiscali users with web search as well as targeted advertising from Google AdWords advertisers. Tiscali and Google will share revenues generated from the search engine’s sponsored links, currently one of the main sources of revenue from on line advertising.

Mario Mariani, Tiscali’s SVP for Business Development commented: “We have always been committed to offering our customers the best possible Internet experience and to experimenting with new Web frontiers. The agreement with Google not only guarantees that we can offer our users the best search technology on the market, but will allow us to be the first to offer new functions which will become available as the technology evolves”.

Omid Kordestani Senior Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Operations at Google said: “The agreement with Tiscali, one of Europe’s leading Internet operators demonstrates the continued value we provide to ISPs through innovative products that drive both user loyalty and site profitability. The agreement also enables Google AdWords advertisers to reach Tiscali’s 17 million European unique visitors with targeted advertising, increasing their reach across Europe”.

Source: Tiscali