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November 22, 2004

gdSuite is a Desktop Search client. This means that you can use gdSuite to search for files, e-mails, web pages you've viewed, AIM conversations you've had, and, in the near future, Trillian chats and Gmail. gdSuite is a Client because it does not actually conduct the searches. It uses to find the files, and then displays the results for you in an easy to read fashion. Plus, gdSuite displays search results virtually instantly* and has a user interface that is easy to use and, on Windows XP especially, very pretty. To use gdSuite, you must have Google Desktop installed on your computer.

Google Desktop is a new tool from Google that lets you search your own computer. It can find emails (from Outlook and Outlook Express), chats (in AOL and AOL Instant Message), and web pages you've viewed in Internet Explorer. Plus, it can find any file by filename and can search inside Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files. Sounds great, huh? It is... with two exceptions. For one, Google "forgot" to include a program that lets you use its powerful search tool. The only way to search is to fire up your web browser and go to some hard to remember URL and search from there. Also, Google Desktop is conspicuously missing advanced filters. Sure, you can limit your search to only, say, chats or only files. But what if, for example, you want to find only a Microsoft Excel file named "finances" that was opened within the past month and is located somewhere in the in folder "My Documents," or you want to find only e-mails from a client with "web" in the subject line that were received in August 2004? With regular Google Desktop, you are out of luck. This is where gdSuite comes in.

gdSuite takes searching your own computer to a whole new level. You can engage advanced filters based on the following:

  • date (within the last year, month, or week; or between two specific dates)
  • medium/item type (file, AIM, e-mail, or web page)
  • file extension
  • file name
  • folder name (with subfolders on/off)
  • what the web site address contains
  • what a web site is titled
  • who an e-mail is from
  • the subject of an e-mail
  • who an AIM conversation was with
  • text in an item

gdSuite also integrates into Windows Explorer to make searching as fast and easy as possible. Just right click any folder or drive and click Search with gdSuite... to start a new gdSuite search of that folder.

Via ResearchBuzz

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November 18, 2004

CSV AdStats: Advanced AdSense Statistics Analyzer

CSV AdStatsIf you use GoogleTM Adsense this is the tool for you!

CSV AdStats offers you quick and indepth analysis of the performance of the targeted advertising for your content pages.

CSV AdStats, what's that?

CSV AdStats is an application that allows you to analyze the CSV formatted logfiles that are made available for Google AdSense. The tool calculates valuable statistical information like CPM, number of clicks, moving averages, accumulated by period and much more. The extensive charting options will give you a fast and easy to understand view of daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly trends, thereby helping you maximize your AdSense earnings potential.

  • Features Automatic download of the csv-file from the Google AdSense site
  • Import of an already downloaded csv-file
  • Statistics like 7-day, weekly, monthly and yearly trends, 7 and 30 day averages and 7 and 30 day moving averages
  • Management of different criteria by means of which you can view specific statistical information
  • Management of AdSense information comparable to the features provided by Google
  • Interactive creation of charts based on imported and calculated data
  • Export the data to CSV or HTML files
  • Saving charts in BMP, JPG or PNG format
  • A timer allowing you to automatically download and import the csv-file at a regular interval, which also displays a message as soon as you earnings have gone up
  • Creation of a comprehensive printable report with your data (best day, week, month, year, number of views, clicks, your earnings)
  • An interactive chart editor allowing you to create and compare trends

Screenshots Click here to view more screenshots.

Download To download Beta 2.4 go to

Click here to see larger image

Click here to see larger image

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November 9, 2004

Search Keys

Search Keys is a great Firefox extension that lets you go to search results by pressing the number of the search result instead of clicking. For example, pressing 1 takes you to the first result. Hold Alt (Windows/Mac) or Ctrl (Linux) to open results in new tabs, or Shift to open results in new windows. More information here.

Search Keys supports Google, Google News, Google Groups, Google Desktop Search, and Marc Abramowitz (Technical at Yahoo) provided a Friday Hack: Search Keys extension for Firefox and Yahoo! Search