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October 24, 2005

Official Google's blogs:

If you know other blogs, please leave a comment!

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June 23, 2005

Google Desktop Search

Google Launches Enterprise version of Google Desktop Search

IT professionals can use Google Desktop Search for Enterprise to extend the power of Google Desktop Search across an entire organization. You can provide desktop search to as many employees as you'd like — while strictly enforcing your security policies.

Google Desktop Search for Enterprise integrates with the Google Search Appliance and Google Mini for unified search across your PC, intranet and the Internet itself.

Attend a free webinar to learn how you can deploy Google Desktop Search for Enterprise in your organization.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt Delivers Keynote at Gartner ITXPO

Google's CEO Eric Schmidt delivered a keynote address on the company's future and the evolution of IT at Gartner ITXPO. Among the highlights: the launch of Google Desktop Search for the Enterprise and integration of search across the desktop with the Google Search Appliance and Google Mini.

Google Mini Arrives in Europe

The Google Mini made its debut in Europe to stellar reviews. Among many new customers, Warwick Business School is using the Google Mini on its public website, and Orthoview has deployed it behind the corporate firewall.

Google Search Appliance Connects to Databases and Content Management Systems

The Google Search Appliance now connects to relational databases, as well as content management and CRM systems, portals and legacy applications. These enhancements enable customers to provide search across both structured and unstructured data.

More information available at

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May 12, 2005

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Web services leader Google Inc. (GOOG.O: Quote, Profile, Research) has won a license to operate in China and has bought a Web address as it battles Yahoo Inc. (YHOO.O: Quote, Profile, Research) in the world's second-largest Internet market. The U.S. Web services giant, which makes its money from searches, advertising and other services, is hiring staff with the aim of opening an office in the country this year, according to several sources within or close to the company. Source: Reuters

About Chinese search engine:

- China's online search market was worth an estimated 1.25 billion yuan ($150 million) last year, up 81 percent from 2003, according to Shanghai iResearch. But competition is intensifying.

- Baidu led the market with a 36.3 percent share, followed by Yahoo with 22.7 percent and Google with 21.2 percent.

- Google Chinese keyword ranking software

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April 14, 2005

According Darren Rowse (from Google is secretly testing new Adsense format.

Here’s the scoop. Adsense are testing a system where by the publisher not only chooses from a number of prescribed ad formats (as we currently do) but where they themselves are able to determine: 1. the ad format size - 2. the number of ads to be shown in this space This is an interesting development because it allows publishers to have much greater control over the design of ads and the integration of them into their sites. It would give real freedom to publishers to find the very best position on their site without needing to completely rearrange their site’s design to accommodate them. There is no word of when such a system might actually go live but as far as I can see they are testing it in a number of places which could mean that it is sooner than later. Adsense Developing Fully Customizable Ads Blocks? Source: Darren Rowse (from

(Via: Inside Google :

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April 13, 2005

Jen Fitzpatrick (Director, Engineering at Google) a video they've put together highlighting all the benefits of working at Google. This video is mainly focused on women and engineering.

Here are some snapshots:




A motorbike inside the Googleplex...

With Sergey Brin (he's got a nice jean)...

Sergey's famous shoes...

The end...

(69 MB, MPEG, 7:21)

April 12, 2005

Google today released two new local services that enable people on-the-go to quickly and easily connect to the information they want from their mobile phones or wireless device. From local business listings to interactive street maps, users can now access Google Local information via a mobile web browser and driving directions using Google SMS.

Whether people are traveling long distances or looking for a restaurant in their hometown, Google's new mobile services make it a snap for them to find what they're looking for--without the hassle of referring to paper maps, reference guides, or often outdated directories, said Jonathan Rosenberg, vice president, product management, Google Inc. Google's mobile search and Google SMS services are important advancements in our goal to provide users immediate access to valuable information anywhere and anytime.

Google Local

When users visit on their XHTML-enabled mobile phone, they can enter their search term in the 'What' search box and location in the 'Where' search box to receive results from Google Local. For example, if users enter the query wifi hotspot in the 'What' search box and 90266 in the 'Where' search box, they will receive Google Local results of wifi hotspots in Manhattan Beach, Calif. Currently available in the U.S. and Canada, this service enables users to find business listings and driving directions, view an area using Google Maps with zooming capabilities, and click-to-call.

Driving Directions

With Google SMS, users have another choice to access information on-the-go. This service enables users to send a search query as a text message to the U.S. five digit shortcode 46645 (GOOGL on most phones) and receive Google Local, Froogle, finance, weather, and movie showtime results. Today, Google added driving directions to this list. For example, if users enter the query from jfk to 50 broadway new york, they will receive turn-by-turn driving directions as a text message on their mobile phone or device. Google SMS is available on most U.S. carriers. More information can be found at .

Google has been offering mobile services for more than four years. In 2001, Google Web Search was introduced via WML-enabled and iMode-enabled phones (Japan). This past year Web Search, Image Search and several advanced search features were introduced via XHTML, enabling more users to access Google's index of more than 8 billion web pages and more than one billion images from their mobile phones.

Google's mobile products

More information about Google's mobile products can be found at .

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April 7, 2005

Google Alternate SearchesGoogle is testing a new feature called "Alternate Searches" intended to enhance the user search experience. Other search engines like Yahoo! or AskJeeves have included in their results pages some suggestions of related searches. Google never wanted to add these links but Nate Tyler (from Google) confirmed to Andy Beal that they are running a limited test of this new interface.

This new interface includes a new link at the bottom of a Google results page. The link Try Alternate Searches, when clicked on, takes you to a page that includes other suggest keyword searches, you may want to consider.

Google's option is different from other search engines' because Google's Try Alternate Searches takes the concept one step further by offering a link to a page showing the top-3 searches for common popular variations of the entered search term.

See screenshots from Andy Beal's blog:

Via Andy Beal ()

Other blogs and forums coverage:

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Google used to index only the first 101 KB of any web document (that's why you may have often seen 101k as a document's size on Google SERPs). It seems that it's no longer the case: a search for gives as first result the page which is 513k.

We reported previously that but at this time we couldn't find any example.

Via WebMasterWorld (Google cache page size limit change) and Google Fan ()

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